
杰德校区 是Jed基金会(Jed)的标志性项目。, designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of developing comprehensive systems, 项目 和 policies with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, 药物滥用和预防自杀的努力.

到目前为止,有超过4所高等院校代表.5 million students have engaged in this process of robust assessment 和 enhancement of their mental health, 药物使用和自杀预防政策, 通过他们在JED校园的会员资格获得系统和项目.



JED校园相信全面, public health approach to promoting emotional well-being 和 preventing suicide 和 serious substance misuse. 这个模型是用来评估目前在校园所做的努力, 确定现有的优势和需要改进的地方.


支持ing life skills education is valuable in teaching healthy ways to cope with the stress of college life. Some of the life skills that are important to a student's well-being include managing friendships 和 relationships, 解决问题, 决策, 识别和管理情绪, 健康生活, 寻找人生目标, 意义和身份.


研究 has shown that loneliness 和 isolation are significant risk factors for mental health problems 和/or suicidal behavior. 因此, 支持性的社会关系和与校园的联系, 家人和朋友是可以帮助降低风险的保护性因素.


It is important to take action to identify students at risk for mental health problems 和/or suicidal behavior, 和 also to promote emotional health awareness among those who interact with students the most — “gatekeepers” such as residence hall staff, 学术顾问, faculty 和 even fellow students — as it is vital for these people to be able to recognize 和 refer a student who might be in distress.


许多需要帮助的学生可能不愿意或不确定如何寻求帮助. 寻求帮助的障碍包括缺乏对精神卫生服务的认识, 对治疗效果的怀疑, prejudices associated with mental illness 和 uncertainty about costs or insurance coverage. Campuses should engage in a variety of activities designed to increase the likelihood that a student in need will seek help.


It is essential to offer accessible, consistent 和 high-quality mental health services to students. 使精神健康和药物滥用护理更加全面, 它应该包括强大和灵活的服务, 足够的人手水平, flexibility in treatment approaches 和 clinic hours that are reflective of student schedules. 由于大多数大学诊所都是免费的,治疗时间通常是有限的. 因此, it is important that campus mental health services assist students in finding off-campus resources that can provide long-term care if needed.


The campus should have access to a well-publicized 24/7 crisis phone 和/or chat line either through campus resources or local/national services. There should be a process in place to share information (as legally appropriate) between local ERs 和 school health 和/or counseling services.


It has been well established that if the means to self-harm are removed or limited in an environment, 它可以防止自杀,甚至减少意外死亡. 这就是所谓的“手段限制”.“限制学生获得武器, 有毒的化学物质, 屋顶, 窗户或其他高处都是限制活动的手段. Each campus should do an environmental scan for potential access to lethal or dangerous means.


The 咨询中心 provided the leadership to begin this process in late 2018 in collaboration with the 办公室 of the Provost 和 Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs, 学生主任, 住宿生活与学习, 校园娱乐, 雷伯恩学生中心, 学生健康服务, 及残疾学生资源及服务.

的一个&M-商务 杰德校区 team is chaired by 秋天约翰逊, director of 校园娱乐. 该团队由以下教职员工和学生组成.


  • Developed strategic priorities with regard to student mental health 和 well-being
  • 创建JED校园网页,通知校园
  • 训练有素的 学生成功小组 成为识别有风险学生的一线资源
  • 提高了 行为干预小组 通过培训和 学生个案管理 流程与增强的护理报告
  • 改善了校园里的社会联系,创建了 学生参与办公室
  • Improved programming 和 support for underserved 和 potentially isolated students by enhancing the 跨文化参与和领导办公室
  • Improved the offering of suicide prevention training 项目 for both students as well as faculty 和 staff
  • Publicized the help-seeking toll free numbers 和 24/7 access to crisis counseling throughout the campus 和 satellite campuses
  • 强调了狮子安全应用程序资源的利用,可用上 应用程序商店谷歌玩.
  • 大大增加了心理检查的数量
  • A的创建&M-商务 Crisis Intervention Response Team 和 completed three-day intensive training for the team members
  • 提供了更多获得精神科药物提供者的机会
  • Improved help-seeking behaviors on campus by reducing stigma associated with mental health care
  • Adopted an ongoing survey protocol to measure student well-being to allow for necessary service offering adjustments


JED校园四年计划被引入A&M-商务 in fall 2018 as a way to support student well-being 和 mental health.




Campus Life 和 Student 成功 Division offices under the leadership of the director of the 咨询中心 formalized an agreement with the JED Foundation to become a 杰德校区.


组织A&M-商务 杰德校区 咨询小组 with representation from 18 offices 和 departments.


  • The 杰德校区 baseline assessment was completed by the various offices 和 departments represented on the advisory group. 评估测量系统, 政策和计划, which will be followed in year four by a post-assessment measuring the change achieved during the program.
  • 健康心理研究基线评估测量学生的态度, 情绪健康和物质使用问题的行为和意识, followed in year four by the 健康y Minds Study post-assessment measuring the impact of 杰德校区 systems change on student outcomes.
  • 的一个&M-商务 杰德校区 advisory group received a comprehensive feedback report outlining areas for enhancement 和 growth. Our feedback report contained 74 items to consider covering the seven strategic priorities of 杰德校区.
  • An on-campus visit with 杰德校区 staff to review the feedback, student data 和 recommendations.


The 杰德校区 advisory group continued to meet to formalize a strategic plan to complete the 杰德校区 work.


  • 奥特姆·约翰逊,校园娱乐中心主任. 咨询中心主任Nick Patras被任命为A&移动商务JED校园咨询小组联合主席.
  • 成立了三个小组委员会,开始JED校园战略计划.
    • 增加求助行为,由学生残疾服务中心的亚历克西斯·达根主持.
    • 识别有风险的学生,由学生权利和责任组织的马西·路易斯担任主席.
    • 社会联系,由兄弟会和姐妹会生活的阿曼达·霍恩主持.
  • 第四委员会, 通信由校园娱乐的乔纳森·约翰斯顿担任主席.




  • Halladay Student 服务, 2013